SERIESMOVIESNEW & LAST CHANCESCHEDULEFREE EPISODESMoreDocumentariesSpecialsSportsPodcastsMaxSIGN INSIGN UP FORSIGN INSIGN UP FORSERIESMOVIESNEW & LAST CHANCESCHEDULEFREE EPISODESMoreDocumentariesSpecialsSportsPodcastsMaxSIGN INSIGN UP FORSIGN INSIGN UP FORmax-style Sharp Objects About Season Season-1Sharp Objects | Season 1 | Episode 2Dirt TV-MA | 55 MIN WATCH NOWMAXCamille searches for clues at the funeral and wake for Wind Gap's latest victim. 1.VanishSeries premiere. Troubled reporter Camille Preaker is sent to her hometown to report on the suspected murder of two young girls.2.DirtCamille searches for clues at the funeral and wake for Wind Gap's latest victim.3.FixCamille relives a recent tragedy; Amma flaunts her wild side as Adora admonishes Camille.4.RipeA tour of Wind Gap's crime scenes with Richard opens up old wounds for Camille.5.CloserTensions rise as Wind Gap residents turn out at Adora's house for Calhoun Day, an annual southern-pride event.6.CherryChief Vickery uncovers a key piece of evidence; Amma bonds with Camille during and after a wild party.7.FallingCamille crosses a line; Adora takes pains to keep an ailing Amma under her roof and in her care.