SERIESMOVIESNEW & LAST CHANCESCHEDULEFREE EPISODESMoreDocumentariesSpecialsSportsPodcastsMaxSIGN INSIGN UP FORSIGN INSIGN UP FORSERIESMOVIESNEW & LAST CHANCESCHEDULEFREE EPISODESMoreDocumentariesSpecialsSportsPodcastsMaxSIGN INSIGN UP FORSIGN INSIGN UP FORmax-style Oz About Season Season-1Season-2Season-3Season-4Season-5Season-6Oz | Season 4 | Episode 5Gray Matter TV-MA | 56 MIN WATCH NOWMAXBeecher falls deeper into depression as he wonders about the fate of his children. 1.A Cock and Balls StoryThe Season Four premiere opens with the inmates still on lockdown and prison officials struggling to end the hostilities.5.Gray MatterBeecher falls deeper into depression as he wonders about the fate of his children.6.A Word to the WiseIn an effort to reduce violence, white inmates are transferred out of Em City. Mobay gets in good with Adebisi's crew but pays a price.7.A Town Without PityO'Reily begins an affair with an unexpected partner while Zabitz asks Schillinger for protection.8.You Bet Your LifeAfter Hughes's attack on Devlin, Glynn withdraws from the race. Alvarez is still on the loose. Supreme Allah gets an unwanted surprise.11.Revenge Is SweetMorales looks to pit the Chinese against Redding. Alvarez offers Glynn his services as an informant as a way out of solitary.12.Cuts Like a KnifeO'Reily regrets having gotten Cyril involved with the trial drug when it starts taking effect.14.Orpheus DescendingMcManus calls a superficial truce between Redding and Morales. Basil finally sees his wife, but Hughes ends up spoiling their happiness.15.Even the ScoreMcManus finds he is unable to turn his back on White. Beecher tells the parents of the young girl he killed that he's up for parole.