Big Love (LWM)
5 Seasons | 53 Episodes | TV-MA
Polygamist Bill Henrickson struggles to meet the emotional, romantic and financial needs of his three wives and seven children as they live together in suburban Salt Lake City.
Damage Control
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>Mark V. Olsen and Will Scheffer<br><b> Directed by</b> Dan Minahan<br><br>It's a sunny day in Sandy, UT, but a storm is brewing in the Henricksons' dining room as Nicki and Margene divide up the housework - with Barb conspicuously absent. "I can do that," Margene pipes in as Nicki delegates dinner preparation and grocery shopping to herself. In another room, Bill jumps off a business call to talk with his lawyer about finding the person who exposed Barb as a polygamist at the Mother of the Year ceremony. Out back in the pool, Barb drills out furious laps.<br><br>Saying goodbye to his distant first wife, Bill heads off to work. As he steps into his Denali, his gaze falls on the neighbors, Pam and Carl, where he sees his own suspicions reflected on their faces. Did they make the call? When he arrives at work, Bill confronts another possible leak in Wendy. Paging through her emails and Internet usage - along with newspaper articles about his family that Don found in her desk - Bill orders her phone tapped and tells Don he wants a reason to fire her by the end of the week.<br><br>Bill's investigation, however, pales in comparison to the inquiry facing Wanda back at Juniper Creek. Joey tells Bill the stories circulating about Alby's poisoning, everything from an emergency kidney transplant to death on the operating table. Bill brushes it off: "Whoa...You can't get an organ that fast, and we'd know if he were dead. Believe me." Not that the situation isn't serious. Bill tells his brother and Lois that Wanda's formal questioning by Juniper Creek officials could lead to state charges of attempted murder. And each of them had a hand in the conspiracy to cover it up. Lois, as usual, has the last word: "His kidneys could still fail."<br><br>Barb, aside from dealing with the shame of having her secret thrust into public view, starts to worry about the limits polygamy puts on her children. Ben, who's interested in joining the Naval Academy, asks her if he'll have trouble getting a congressional recommendation. Barb suggests changing schools to Sarah, who laughs, saying all her co-workers already call her "pliggy" and telling her mother, "Take me off your worry list."<br><br>Margene, nursing her own worries about becoming ineffectual in the family, pops up at Henrickson Home Plus to horn in on Nicki's shopping trip. Nicki tries to explain that only she has the strength to hold the family together, but her lesson gets interrupted when she spots Wendy across the aisle. "Let's just finish our shopping," Margene tells Nicki, dragging her onward.<br><br>Still wary of his neighbors, Bill calls Barb from the office, asking her to set up a dinner date so he can "look them square in the face." Barb's just not up to it. Later, Margene tries to console her, saying, "I'm strong. You can lean on me," before breaking into tears and admitting the Mother-of-the-Year debacle was probably her fault because she let Pam and Carl get too close. Now, it's Barb doing the consoling.<br><br>Back at Juniper Creek, Wanda's formal inquisition before the residents has begun with Roman directing the show. Wanda tries to stick to a simple story but gets derailed when Alby wheels himself into the room shouting, "Lies!" He goes on to declare that witnesses saw Wanda and Lois disposing of his truck and proclaims: "Your day in the sun is over!"<br><br>During a quiet evening at home, Barb's attention settles on each of her children: Ben playing piano, Teenie singing, Wayne reading with Bill. She breaks the calm: "They don't want me to teach anymore. Everyone knows." The exaggerated statement stirs up an argument between her and Bill, who points out they can't jump to conclusions about who knows what. "So, let's knock them off one by one," he continues. "Starting with Pam and Carl. I set up a dinner tomorrow night." Barb hits the roof, saying he has no right to order her around. She stalks off, and Bill picks up the phone to take a call from Joey and Lois.<br><br>"I can't go to jail," Lois states. With Joey providing details of Wanda's hearing - and Lois periodically jumping in to harp about "this rigamarole" - Bill instructs Joey to hang in there. "I'm going to send you an attorney," he tells his brother, explaining that the last thing Roman wants is state attention falling on the compound’s shady practices. Bill hangs up just as Lois grabs the phone back from Joey, but looking around, he realizes Barb is gone. Later, she calls from the Embry house, refusing to talk to Bill and determined to stay out of the house. Nicki and Margene try their best to cajole her back into the fold, but not even Wayne's innocent inquiries about her return can sway her. Bill tells them to let Barb walk it off: "If she wants to be mad, let's just give her the space and let her be mad."<br><br>The next morning, Bill's lawyer, Lee Hatcher, calls to say he's arranged a meeting with an employee at the Attorney General's office who may be able to shed light on Bill's search for the culprit. Hatcher remains far from enthused about Bill's initiative, however, warning, "Your lifestyle is illegal, you know." Bill's joking reply about landing in jail fails to elicit a laugh.<br><br>Taking her freedom to the next level, Barb visits the University of Utah to discuss enrolling in a master's program. During her conversation with the registrar, Margene calls, pitching a scheme to defuse the situation with the neighbors. After poking a few holes in Margene's plan, Barb tells her sister wife the fight with Bill involves far more than "dinner with the neighbors." Barb adds that she's spending a second night at the Embry's. Margene responds, "I don't know if I can be married to Nicki and Bill if I'm not married to you."<br><br>After Bill arrives at work, Don tries to alleviate his concerns about Barb and suggests joining his prayer group. Bill shrugs off Don's invitation, telling him, "I just keep asking myself, 'What would Abraham Lincoln do?'"<br><br>Back at the homes, a visit from Adaleen gives Nicki a chance to seek advice, but her mother prefers to swap gossip about Alby's poisoning. Nicki interrupts her, insisting her marriage is "dangling by a wire." She goes on to demonize Wendy and says she wishes she could "teach her a lesson." Adaleen catches the veiled message and, suddenly remembering a gift Roman had left for Nicki, hands her a Tupperware container. Inside, Nicki finds a loaded revolver. "For your protection," Adaleen explains.<br><br>Later, at Henrickson Home Plus, Nicki and Margene sit in the car, fretting to Bill over the phone while he stands across the parking lot. Bill reassures them, just as Wayne escapes from the hatchback and runs toward Bill yelling, "Dad!" Without a word, Margene jumps out, corrals Wayne and deposits him in the back seat.<br><br>Inside the store, Don snoops on Wendy's calls, but she catches on when her discussion with a friend about a sick cat causes him to exclaim inadvertently. Bill and Don call her into Bill's office, where she asserts that she knows who Bill "really is" and won't take harassment - there are laws against that. Bill explains there are also laws against damaging a company's reputation, making a point to mention the cost of damages and legal fees. When Wendy leaves work for the day, she notices a black Hummer trailing her. Attempting to flee, she crashes her Lexus into a parked car and catches an airbag in the face.<br><br>Barb tries to sneak back into the house to grab a few possessions and runs into Sarah, who asks, "If you really leave, do you think Dad is going to go with you?" Barb doesn't have an answer, and Sarah warns her that Bill will be home any minute. "I'll bring you some things," she tells her mother.<br><br>Joey, trying to find some answers of his own, finds himself sitting on the uncomfortable side of Roman's desk. Driven to action by Joey's lawyer - who wants to let the state take over the investigation "wherever it may lead" - the prophet promises Joey that Wanda's predicament could easily evaporate if Joey were to use his newly acquired seat on the UEB board to pass some key votes. Sliding a "Bridal Registry" with photos of young women across the desk to Joey, Roman tells him other rewards await the faithful. By the same token, if Joey can't tend to Wanda's immortal soul, another husband might suit her better - "my son Albert or perhaps your father, Frank?"<br><br>As her home life crumbles around her, Sarah visits a support group for ex-Mormons and comes clean about her secret. It's as if a Martian has landed in their midst. Fleeing their questioning, Sarah almost makes it out the door before a young man named Scott catches up to her, giving her his number and promising he'll find her someone who can help.<br><br>Bill finally gets his chance at some inside information about the Mother of the Year outing, meeting an Attorney General staffer, Robert Scheele, at Lee's office. Unfortunately, Scheele can't give Bill the specifics he's looking for, but he offers assurances that the AG won't pursue a case unless Bill commits welfare fraud or marries an underage girl. After some soul searching in the desert, Bill accepts Don's invitation and prays for guidance. Afterward, he approaches Barb at Don's house, struggling to reconcile through a closed door. When Bill lectures her, saying their family is not a mistake, Barb retorts: "I sacrificed our love for the love I have for this family!" Exhausted, Bill leaves to join Pam and Carl for dinner.<br><br>Barb, Nicki and Margene sit on the porch of the Embry house talking things over. Barb shares her plan for returning to school. Nicki responds by telling her that it's a hard road to walk alone; Bill will live in polygamy - with or without her. It's time to leave the past behind, Nicki says, "If you come back, this time it can't be for Bill. It has to be for you."<br><br>Bill sits on the neighbors' patio, listening to Carl drone on about urban sprawl, when Barb comes around the side of the house, apologizing for showing up late. When she sits down at the table, an embarrassed Pam admits she was nervous about the dinner because she didn't think Barb and Bill liked them anymore. She thought they'd taken the side of Nicki, "a real live polygamist," just like Margene had when she broke off their friendship. Thinking on her feet, Barb tells Pam and Carl that Margene broke up with them because she's pregnant again and fears their judgment. One suspect eliminated and a crisis averted.<br><br>After dinner, as Barb pauses by her station wagon, she and Bill hit another impasse. Unable to persuade her to come inside, Bill opens up: "I'm sorry. I did push you into this different kind of marriage. I took advantage of your love." Barb says she's realized how much anger she's harbored for him, and says she can no longer pose as the wife she used to be. Bill waits for a long moment, and Barb, opening the car door, takes her overnight bag and walks with Bill toward the house.<br><br>"Something good is going to come from all this," Bill says. "I swear it."</p></div>
The Writing on the Wall
A crisis leads Bill to rethink Home Plus' ad strategy. The family forgets Nicki's anniversary.
Bill tries to leverage a council vote against Roman. Barb chastens Margene for her relationship with Ben, who considers a lifestyle change.
Rock and a Hard Place
Bill eyes a new polygamy-friendly business. Rhonda complicates Nicki's involvement in Joey's case.
Vision Thing
Bill meets a romantic prospect, as does Joey. Nicki frets over Wayne's school lessons. Bill turns to Eddie for a loan.
Dating Game
Margene befriends Bill's potential fourth wife. A dangerous polygamist family accuses Bill of poaching.
Good Guys and Bad Guys
Margene's mother visits the Henricksons. Roman's polygamist rivals force Bill to play a dangerous game.
Kingdom Come
Bill proposes a "seventh day off" schedule to his wives and cons Roman into retaliating against the Greenes.
Circle the Wagons
Margene finds herself wielding a swing vote. Rhonda stays in the spotlight. Lois reaches out to Bill.
The Happiest Girl
Margene joins Bill at a convention. Nicki throws a party. Roman returns home. Rhonda resorts to blackmail.
Take Me as I Am
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Directed by</b> Jim McKay<br><b>Written by</b> Eileen Myers<br><br>Scanning the paper over breakfast, Barb's eye falls on her mother's engagement announcement. Recovering quickly, she tells a curious Nicki she's reading about an old sorority sister. Bill enters and confronts Nicki about the party she hosted for Kathy. Ben shoots Nicki a look, and tries to protect her: "Alby shut it down before the band played one song." While Barb wonders how Nicki financed a band, Bill's concerns are about Alby. Nicki, confident she handled the situation correctly, tells Bill not to worry: Alby was looking for Kathy. "I told him he couldn't have her, and he couldn't hurt us anymore now that we've diversified," she says. When she adds, mentioning Weber gaming "took the wind right out of his sails," Bill looks knocked out as well.<br><br>Barb stakes out her mother's house and tries to approach. When Barb indicates she hasn't and won't leave Bill- Nancy tries to hustle back inside. Unwilling to take no, Barb asks her mother to think of her children. "How can you put me in a position like this?" replies Nancy, obviously torn. When Cindy comes out, Barb heads home.<br><br>Bill meets with Alby on a back road and tries to extend an olive branch, offering his seat on the board in exchange for Kathy. "You can't vote Roman's until he passes, could be months, could be years," he reasons. Alby, making no promises, says he'll consider it.<br><br>At Scott's, Sarah picks up his cell phone and intercepts a suggestive incoming text message. When she asks him to explain, he parries, "We never said we were exclusive." Not wanting to "take responsibility" for her virginity, he shrugs it off. "It was just sex."<br><br>In the office, Ben and Bill discuss the upcoming "Pioneer Howdy Daze." Bill remarks upon the hypocrisy: every float spotlights Joseph Smith, not a single one depicts his 34 wives. Confiding in his son, he tells Ben he introduced Margie and Barb both as his wives at Wendover. Bill decides then to include Weber folk at his Pioneer party and calls Barb to invite them. No fan of that crowd, Barb resists. Overhearing, Margie offers to connect with Weber's Larry Schoenfeld: "We're having dinner this week anyway."<br><br>Barb's neighbor Pam comes by to get her opinion on surrogacy. She floors Barb when she mentions Margie is a surrogate mother. At first critical, but unable to conceive herself, Pam sees Margie's proximity a sign: "I want this so bad, I'm prepared to offer her $50,000."<br><br>From Roman's bedroom, Alby insists that Nicki get Weber back-he has evidence Bill stole the company. Nicki is uninterested, so Alby raises the stakes, "When our father wakes up, the first thing he will hear is that you are a tithe stealer... He'll believe it because you're greedy and amoral." As Alby threatens, Roman rouses, but a watchful Lura quickly re-administers morphine to his IV.<br><br>Confronted by Barb, Margie tries to minimize the story she fed Pam and the potential offer to carry her baby: "I don't want it, but if I did, I want to be able to want it." Barb's disapproval is unrelenting, but when Margie adds, "I've been a baby factory for you, Barb," Nicki snaps: "Our purpose is to benefit our family. Not every barren Sue, Jane and Sally on the block." Barb storms off to answer the doorbell-only to find more trouble on her doorstep: Penny and Sissy Marquart. Ben introduces the twins as his girlfriends.<br><br>In bed with Bill, Nicki steers him towards unloading Weber by admitting her enthusiasm has diminished. Bill immediately suspects Barb's influence, but Nicki explains that with Margie acting aggressive and Barb feeling put out, Weber has upset the balance of "one, two, three." Bill feels that they can do things their own way, but Nicki wants to adhere to the hierarchy prescribed by the Principle. "The polls have closed," says Bill, refusing Nicki's changed vote.<br><br>Barb seeks out her mother again. When she tells Nancy Benny thinks he wants to be a polygamist, the two come to a compromise: the kids will attend her wedding. Ben will join Nancy and Ned on their honeymoon, where he'll be "surrounded by exceptional people."<br><br>Chancing upon an upset Sarah, Nicki offers her own style of comfort: "Where do you and Ben find these people?" Sarah asks Nicki how she deals with the jealousy and Nicki explains, "I sublimate it because I'm serving a higher purpose." As Sarah's tears continue, Nicki offers a hug and some advice, "Hold on to your chastity, but show him what he's missing."<br><br>As Kathy vacuums, Wanda sifts sugar onto a cake. Spotting a can of cleaning powder, she steals a glance at Kathy. At that moment, Joey bursts in and tells them they need to run; Alby is en route. Wanda begins to shriek that Alby is after her, but Joey corrects her- he wants Kathy. At that, Wanda begins to taunt Kathy: "Frank's gonna get you!"<br><br>As the family cleans up supper, Nicki has a word with Bill about Sarah's situation, blaming "corrosive influences" like Weber. When she has the chance, Nicki murmurs to Barb, "I'm having second thoughts." Barb is resigned, so Nicki reveals Bill got the company by stealing it from the UEB. When Barb won't believe Bill would withhold such information, Nicki sets her straight: "It's not Barb and Bill any more. You're one of three now. We've got to unload it or we're all doomed." Unsure, Barb brings up his upcoming dinner with Margie and Larry to Bill. When he downplays it, she opts not to tell him about her plans for Ben.<br><br>Lois turns up at Joey's and is surprised to find it abandoned, clearly in great haste. Alby enters and assures her he did no harm, "but even if I did, you’d never find the bodies."<br><br>Having had a visit from Bill, Scott breaks up with Sarah. As the two sit next to each other glumly, Sarah leans in for a kiss. Things start veering toward the unknown before Sarah stops short. But still not ready to give him up, she tells Scott, "I don't mind sharing you. It can work."<br><br>Barb brings her kids to her mother's wedding and a suitcase for Ben. Spotting it, Ben catches on. Nancy comes out to greet them, but she's confused by Barb's presence-it was the children she wanted there, not Barb. Cindy explains that Barb cannot attend; Ned's kids don't even approve of their mother. Despite it all, Barb refuses to leave. Ben calls his father to tell him Barb is sending him away. Already in the car with Margene, Bill makes a detour.<br><br>Seated with the family, Ben does everything he can to provoke his mother when Nancy and Ned stop by their table. To Cindy's amusement, he tells everyone he's dating twins. When Barb's niece Jennifer inquires about her needing to be re-baptized, Nancy explains: "I've told everyone you've left Bill and are returning to the church." The two retreat to a private room and Barb insists that she's sticking with her lifestyle. She asks for the same tolerance her gay Aunt Gretchen receives, but Nancy spells it out: "I can't just tolerate you. You're my daughter. I'm responsible for your eternal salvation.<br><br>By videoconference, Hollis tells Alby Bill led his women astray, calling the shots from hogtying Adaleen to taking down Roman. "He might as well have pulled the trigger," concludes Hollis. "His sins cry out for blood atonement."<br><br>Arriving at the reception, Bill confronts Barb about her plans for Ben. Barb retaliates by asking if he stole Weber. When Bill hedges with semantics, Barb challenges, "Who are you becoming?" Encountering an uninvited Bill, Nancy yields, "You've already ruined my life, might as well wreck my wedding." In his search for Ben, Bill runs into Ned. The two talk shop: Bill asks him to use his influence to lift the gambling ban in Utah, but Ned points out, it "wouldn't be as profitable if were legal."<br><br>Catching her mother and sister sharing a laugh, Barb awkwardly tries to join in. Across the room, Bill tells Ben they're staying at the party: "The Principle isn't a weapon of rebellion. Stop torturing your mother." Lois calls, convinced that Joey and his family have been murdered. Worried, Bill calls Alby, who insists he's innocent. Belatedly remembering he's left Margie in the car, Bill hurries out to her. But his explanation of the situation isn't good enough for the already seething Margie.<br><br>Now at Nicki's, Alby accuses Bill of ordering the hit. He tells her it's a matter of days for Roman, and leaves with a warning: "If you want to come back to us, come tonight. Vengeance will rain down on this family." Nicki dials Margie, frantically searching for Bill. But Margie is still having a fit about being abandoned again for a Barb emergency.<br><br>Tracking Barb down, Bill wins her back. Attempting now to cheer up his daughter, the two share a dance. "You can confide in me, I might even surprise you," says Bill earnestly. Sarah spurns the offer, telling him he lacks credibility when it comes to relationships or life. Bill is stung, but the two put on a happy face for Barb.<br><br>With the reception still in progress, the family gathers on the front lawn-Nicki has arrived with the kids. Accusations fly; they are creating a massive scene. Nicki reproaches Barb for abandoning them again, while Margie accuses her of being melodramatic out of jealousy over their dinner with Larry. When Bill joins the fray, Margie slams him for always choosing Barb first; Nicki asks him if he's responsible for her father's shooting. Cindy's demands that they leave are ignored and the fighting continues until Nancy comes out. Before heading home, Barb tells her mother, "I don't know if I'll see you in the afterlife, but I just want to see you in this life." Nancy breaks down, holds her daughter and tells her, "This is your test."<br><br>At home, Barb notices something moving in her bed-snakes.</p></div>
Oh, Pioneers
The Henricksons are rocked by an unexpected guest on the eve of Pioneer Week.
Block Party
Bill pitches a Mormon-friendly casino, with unexpected help from Margene.
Bill and Ana test the group-dating waters. Barb ponders her and the family's future. Sarah pushes Scott away.
Prom Queen
Bill tries to protect Rhonda. Frank finds himself in a bind. Ben escorts Sarah to her senior prom.
On Trial
After Bill tries to get Alby to break ranks with the Prophet, Roman finally has his day in court.
For Better or for Worse
Barb, Nicki and Margene bicker over living arrangements. Bill barters for a loan approval.
Come, Ye Saints
A 2,500-mile pilgrimage to a sacred shrine in New York tests the limits of the Henrickson family bonds.
Fight or Flight
Nicki faces crises at home and at work. Joey looks to add a new wife. Bill debates a big discovery.
Rough Edges
Bill turns up the heat on Roman. Nicki gets the cold shoulder. Margene starts up a new business.
Outer Darkness
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>Eileen Myers<br><b>Directed by</b> Michael Lehmann<br><br>After a sleepless night watching Wayne and Raymond in bed, Bill makes breakfast while Margene and Barb beg Bill to reach out to Nicki, who's staying at the Big House on the compound with Alby. Meanwhile, Alby and Nicki commiserate about their father and Alby promises to tell his sister everything he has in store for Roman.<br><br>Bill imagines a conversation with Don about how much Bill is to blame for the Nicki situation but is interrupted from his reverie by Don himself. Rather than confide about what's going on at home, Bill tells Don some good news - Ted wants to work out a compromise.<br><br>Bishop Devery visits Barb at her house along with Stake President Davis. They ask bluntly whether she's living in a polygamous relationship and she admits the truth. They inform her they are considering a disciplinary action.<br><br>Hollis Greene approaches Ted and his daughter about the letter. Ted takes refuge in his house as Hollis yells after them, demanding the document.<br><br>Margene rambles on about her jewelry business as she drives with Barb, hijacking their trip to Costco to go see Nicki instead. Barb doesn't want to go, but Margene's at the wheel. When Barb and Margene arrive at the compound, Barb tells Nicki she thinks she may be a sociopath and they argue, leaving Nicki alone again with Alby and Lura. When Bill hears, he chastises them for contacting her at all and Barb blurts out that she may be excommunicated from her church and face a disciplinary hearing because of the upheaval Nicki's caused. Bill is stunned. As Barb leaves, Margene nods to Bill and he calls Nicki to arrange to talk.<br><br>Bill asks Joey to let Nicki stay with them, but Joey refuses - Nicki was responsible for Roman getting off. Bill insists they'll get Roman; he just needs to be patient. Meanwhile Wanda tries to get Jodean to wear her hair like Kathy did, and the effect upsets Joey.<br><br>Barb goes to her mother Nancy and sister Cindy to beg to use one of their temple recommends so she can get into the temple to take her endowments - Barb's life is in crisis and she needs this.<br><br>As Bill works on Sarah's car, Scott drives up, having learned about the miscarriage. Ben punches him and Bill sends Sarah inside, banishing Scott in spite of his attempts to explain himself.<br><br>As Nicki packs a lunch to meet Bill, Alby confides that he's sold other letters to the Church. A compound farmer comes to Alby, reporting that Roman and the Greenes were at his farm and totaled his truck. J.J. surprises Nicki, explaining he's back for good if he has his way. He asks if she wants to see "her," insisting Nicki won't be recognized. Nicki bolts. When she gets back to her house she walks in on Sarah and Scott in bed together - they thought Nicki wouldn't be there. Barb isn't happy to see Nicki home.<br><br>When Bill goes to meet Ted, Jerry is there saying he's happy to make Ted a partner for 10% of the business - Bill should have told him that's what he wanted. Bill is furious at being backed into a corner.<br><br>Selma Greene entices Ted and Cindy's daughter Kim Lee into the Greenes' van.<br><br>Barb attends the Veil Ceremony inside the temple and is lead into the Celestial Room where Nancy and Cindy wait for her. Realizing this may be the only glimpse she sees of what it will be like to be with her family in the afterlife, Barb breaks down, explaining she's facing a disciplinary hearing the next day. Her mother holds her and Cindy begs her to leave Bill. When Cindy burst out that she didn't want it to come to this, Barb realizes it was her sister who turned her in.<br><br>Over breadsticks at Barnigans, Bill tells Nicki he needs to end their marriage. He's found her an apartment. Shocked, Nicki realizes he hasn't discussed the decision with Margene and Barb. She storms back to the house, begging Barb to weigh in on the divorce. But Barb is busy removing every item of Cindy's from her home and reports that it was Cindy who betrayed them. Realizing their lifestyle choice is now causing Barb to be thrown out of the only church she's known, Barb isn't sure if she wants to be married to Nicki anymore. Margene struggles vainly to hold everyone together. As they are arguing Cindy calls with the news that Kim Lee has been kidnapped by the Greenes and is being held for ransom: the letter. But Ted's called the church and they won't release the letter. They race to Ted and Cindy's and Bill vows to do whatever is necessary to get their daughter back. Cindy thanks Barb and apologizes to her, swearing she thought that Barb had no interest in the church any more.<br><br>Bill goes to Roman to ask him to help get Kim Lee back from Hollis by talking them into accepting the authenticator's report (proving the letter exists), in lieu of the actual letter. Roman agrees to help if Bill gets Roman's probation lifted, so Bill takes Roman to the DA's office and presents his plan to Ray: Roman will lead them to the Greene's to get the girl back (and give information that could help Ray prosecute the Greenes), in exchange for being able to return to the compound. Ray reluctantly agrees but warns Bill that he and Nicki are being investigated for obstruction of justice.<br><br>In the heat of the crisis, Bill and Nicki have sex. Later, Barb spots Bill sitting alone by the pool and shares her nightmare of being cast out into Outer Darkness. Bill consoles her and urges her to have faith.<br><br>Alby shows up at Joey's to report that the Greenes were on a farm with Roman and a pickup truck was totaled the night Kathy was killed. Joey and Jodean go to the farm to investigate and Joey kisses her in a moment of weakness. When she runs off and takes off in a truck, a young boy from the farm thinks he's seen a ghost.<br><br>Meanwhile Bill announces that Roman has agreed to unseal Nicki from the family. Nicki runs to Barb and Margene begging for help, but Bill won't be talked out of it.<br><br>Barb attends her hearing with Margene (who takes notes). Barb confronts them about the letter, stating she believes she and Bill are being punished for trying to bring the truth in the letter to light. When she refuses to repent they excommunicate her, leaving Barb devastated. Nicki waits in the parking lot for Barb and Margene, but they walk past her.<br><br>Bill finds Joey still hanging out alone at the farm and Joey says he knows Roman and the Greenes killed Kathy. Bill breaks the news that he's helped Roman cut a deal. Furious, Joey disowns Bill as his brother. Bill slips and falls from the barn rafters and lands on his back, staring into the abyss of the night sky above.</p></div>
Bill looks to solve a kidnapping while bringing down Roman and the Greenes. Nicki's web of deceit gets more tangled. Sarah makes a surprise announcement.
Free at Last
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Mark V. Olsen & Will Scheffer<br><b>Directed by</b> Dan Attias</p><p>Bill is building his new church with his family and (what's left of) Don's, while the Henricksons prepare for the casino opening. Their casino partners, Jerry Flute and his son Tommy, are not pleased that they are under scrutiny by the Feds because of their business relationship with Bill - apparently he's not "the sunny face of polygamy" after all. Bill insists he's clean (and goes to Ray at the DA's office to demand he back off his investigation of his family.) When he tries to go over his head to State Senator Hayes, Bill learns Hayes died suddenly.</p><p>The Feds raid Juniper Creek in search of Roman Grant who's been missing for six weeks. They also confront Nicki when they discover "Roman" has been depositing checks into an account in her name, raising the Henricksons' suspicions about her once again. "I'm not blind. I see it in your eyes," Nicki says. Frustrated with Barb, Margene and Bill's lingering doubts, she throws herself into the task of assimilating her estranged daughter Cara Lynn into the family.</p><p>Barb is stretched between her increased role at the casino and concerns about her family - most urgently where Sara and Scott will decide to be married. Meanwhile, Bill and Barb are unaware that Ben is helping his grandmother Lois with her new parrot smuggling business. To get Frank (who is still seeking vengeance for Lois's attempt on his life) off her back, she makes him an offer he can't refuse: "Will you let me live in peace for a percentage of a neat little business I got going?"</p><p>Though Margene is "blossoming" she is also feeling the pressure of her home-shopping jewelry business, plus family obligations to home and casino.</p><p>Alby meets a traveling businessman in the park while birdwatching and they hook up in the woods. Both are stunned when their paths cross again when Bill introduces them: The businessman (Dale), is actually the attorney who's been assigned to be Trustee of the UEB in Roman's absence. Alby speaks out against the trusteeship, accusing Bill of being the mastermind behind it and the raids. He believes Bill wants to be Prophet. "I have no taste for Prophets," Bill insists.</p><p>JJ shows up at Nicki's to fetch Cara Lynn but Nicki insists their daughter stay with her and go to school; she believes JJ is trying to place her in the Joy Book. Bill brokers a deal in which Cara Lynn stays with them during the week and with JJ on the weekends.</p><p>Nicki responds to Adaleen's panicked plea for a generator to save the contents of her meat locker when the power goes out, only to discover that her mother has been hiding Roman's frozen body there for the past six weeks. Adaleen insists she found him dead and wanted to protect the Prophet's legacy, there was no foul play on her part. Furious, Nicki demands that Alby announce Roman's death. Instead, Alby and Lura drive him to the desert and dump him in a pit on the casino grounds to cause trouble for Bill. When Bill gets the heads up about the body, he, Barb and Margene try to protect Nicki and are annoyed to discover she already knew her father was dead. Bill runs off with Barb and Margene to deal with an anonymous tip that Roman Grant is at the casino, leaving Nicki behind - who tries to bury Roman herself.</p><p>In spite of Alby's attempted sabotage, the casino opening is a success under Barb and Margene's direction - including getting Ben's band to cover for a delayed Kenny Rogers - and Bill and Nicki arrive in time to celebrate the take. Bill leads them in prayer: "Tonight we share a new beginning. Born of struggle, which makes it sweeter still."</p></div>
The Greater Good
Bill contemplates running for the vacant Utah State Senate seat. Sarah and Scott forgo a wedding in Bill's church in favor of a civil ceremony, shocking Barb.
Strange Bedfellows
Bill looks for allies in Washington. Joey digs up his past. Sarah compensates a car-accident victim.
The Mighty and Strong
Bill rushes to announce his candidacy. Alby gives J.J. permission to add a wife. Don takes a bullet for Bill.
Sins of the Father
A revelation about his past threatens Bill's campaign. Nicki goes undercover, again. Margene gets the cold shoulder.
Under One Roof
Ana resurfaces with a surprise revelation. Ben goes south of the border with his grandparents. Marilyn locks horns with Bill.
Blood Atonement
Bill and Joey make an emergency trip to Mexico. Margene makes a surprise offer to Ana. A bomb scare rocks the casino.
Next Ticket Out
Barb becomes a lightning rod for Bill's campaign. Nicki tries a new look. Sarah shocks the family by announcing her intention to leave Utah.
End of Days
Bill faces last-minute threats to his candidacy, and the three wives feel the strain as Election Day arrives.
In the aftermath of his election, Bill faces an uphill battle to win over his constituents and employees.
A Seat at the Table
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Julia Cho<br><b>Directed by</b> Adam Davidson</p><p>Bill gives the younger kids a lesson from the gospel about giving people time to learn to love. Because Cara Lynn is preparing for her upcoming math competition, Margene excuses her from dinner, to Nicki's irritation. Margene gives her sister-wives samples of Goji Blast, which she's interested in distributing, but neither of them is impressed by its taste.<br><br>Adaleen sees a new gynecologist about resuming her hormone therapy to maintain her pregnancy. He warns her about the dangers of carrying the baby to term but Adaleen refuses to hear him out.<br><br>Appealing to her as a fellow outsider, Bill speaks to Sister Mary Catherine Angus at a women's shelter about joining him in his Safety Net project.<br><br>Barb visits her mother who is volunteering at the local museum. She brings up Nancy's history as a political crusader, standing up for Betty Ford and the ERA, and the tensions that created in her own community. Likening her mother's experience to her current situation, Barb asks Nancy to participate in an upcoming Sunstone symposium about mothers and daughters. Nancy reluctantly agrees.<br><br>Ana tells Margene that she can always start her life over someplace else, something Bill overhears. He watches as she rushes to and fro around them and interprets it as evidence that Ana and Goran are bad influences on her. When Ana, sensing the tension, tries to leave early, Margene accidentally knocks her down.<br><br>As a favor to Bill, Barb engineers a chance meeting with Midge Buckley, the girl she used to babysit , who is now the representative for Bill's district. Bill asks Barb to set up an evening get-together, but Barb surprises Bill with news that some nights won't work for her: She's taking a dance class.<br><br>Nancy confronts Barb when she finds out the Sunstone event is actually to discuss the impact of excommunication on families. She refuses to attend but Barb begs her to reconsider, explaining that she's feeling isolated from her own community and as a Sunstone charter member, Nancy's presence would help ease Barb's way. "There's a vast difference between 'Mommy I need you' and 'I need something from you,' " Nancy reminds her.<br><br>Bill goes to see Bud Mayberry to get him to join Safety Net. When Bud says he doesn't care about State matters, Bill reminds him that as a recipient of government assistance, he and the State have a mutual interest in each other.<br><br>Cara Lynn wins her math tournament as Nicki watches with pride. Her tutor Greg approaches Nicki and tells her that Cara Lynn is advanced beyond her classmates. Nicki catches Cara Lynn getting a congratulatory kiss from Gary Embry.<br><br>Bill checks on Lois at Juniper Creek and is surprised to see a downed tree in her cabin. The rest of the house is equally squalid;Lois blames Frank for her situation.<br><br>Margene drives to the location of her childhood trailer and finds it vacant. She later confides to Cara Lynn that she once promised herself she would be something, but is now wondering, "How did I even get here?" She insists that Cara Lynn take whatever opportunities she's given. Barb enters and aware that Margie has been crying, offers to give her a blessing with olive oil. Nicki catches her just as she's about to do so, and is scandalized by Barb's presumption. Barb contends it's no big deal.<br><br>Bill changes his tune with Ana about staying and gives her a pair of plane tickets to Serbia, as well as money to help with the transition. "I just want what's best for you," he explains when she accuses him of trying to control her.<br><br>Midge and her mother, the Major, join the Henricksons for dinner. Bill tries to sell Midge on Safety Net, but Midge tells him that since his agenda is not something she is comfortable with, they should take it one day at a time. The Major brings up Nancy and Betty Ford, then compares Nicki to Victoria Gotti. When Midge mentions she saw Barb's name on Sunstone's schedule, Barb lies and says it was Nancy's idea to join.<br><br>After dinner, Nicki brings up Sunstone to Barb, dismissing them as malcontents and doubters. When Barb leaves, Bill tries to get Nicki to cool off, but Nicki tells him she caught Barb trying to give Margie a blessing. "Barb's not careening," warns Nicki. "Whatever she's up to, it's intentional." He confronts Barb at bedtime, admonishing her for not consulting him about joining Sunstone, or inviting him to dance class. He reminds her that she has to be careful; they live in public now.<br><br>Nicki delivers food to Adaleen and is surprised to see her mother is all alone in the Big House – Alby has moved everything out. Nicki tries to talk her into being a part of Safety Net, but Adaleen says she's not a victim. "Sometimes we have to walk from our past, and sometimes we have to embrace it," she says.<br><br>Bill convenes the first Safety Net meeting with members from the different polygamist factions and Sister Mary Catherine. Things go bad when Alby and Nicki argue about the educational opportunities for girls on the compound, and the meeting dissolves into multiple quarrels between the separate groups, and protestors who accuse Bill of lying to further polygamy.<br><br>On the dais at the Sunstone symposium, Nancy grimaces while Barb discusses the effects of her excommunication. Interjecting, she takes the floor and brings up the choices that led to Barb's excommunication, namely, following Bill into polygamy. The two bicker before Nancy storms off the stage. When Nancy calls Cindy to complain about what just happened, the entire audience hears her conversation because her mic is still on.<br><br>Bill and Don rue the PR disaster that was the first Safety Net meeting when Margene storms in. Furious that Bill sent Ana and Goran away, she tells him that choosing her over them might not have been a good idea. She's a "leaky basket" -- and she needs a time out.<br><br>Nicki asks Greg to serve as Cara Lynn's math tutor. When he resists, she explains that the two of them were raised on a compound, and her wish is that Cara Lynn lives up to her full potential. Nicki pushes Cara Lynn to study more, and spend less time with Gary.<br><br>Armed with cookies, Bill presents them to Senator Barn, who is in conversation with Midge. Midge breaks the news: She's sponsoring legislation -- and it concerns him.<br><br>The three wives take advantage of the sales at Home Plus together. Nicki tells Margene to quit interfering with Cara Lynn, but Margene tells her that her over-protectiveness is understandable given what Nicki went through at that age. Nicki's temper worsens when she finds out that it was Barb who gave Cara Lynn a copy of 'Our Bodies, Our Selves.' "I will not have my daughter defile her body the way yours did," she says, causing Barb to flee in tears.<br><br>Bill reconvenes the Safety Net leaders in his home. Bud Mayberry accuses Bill of spoiling things when he outed himself, but Bill insists that it's the secrecy that is holding them back: "I'm trying to win a place at the table." Alby breaks the news that all Bill has managed is to bring on a witch hunt; legislation is pending that will make polygamy an impeachable offense and a second degree felony. Alby and Bud denounce the arrogance of Bill's vision.<br><br>Barb tries to mend fences with Nancy. Nancy tells her that Ned has forbidden her from seeing Barb, and then comes clean about Betty Ford: Although she championed her initially, Nancy finally bowed to pressure, leaving Betty stranded at the airport when she arrived in town. Barb asks Nancy to give her a blessing, but Nancy is shocked at the audacity of the idea.<br><br>Bill and Margene say goodbye to Ana. Bill tells Margene if she needs to leave, she can: "It would kill me if you weren't happy."<br><br>Nicki approaches Barb at dance class and apologizes. If anything, she'd like Cara Lynn to be more like Barb. Curious about the dance lessons, Nicki admits to Barb she's never danced before and Barb shows her some steps.<br><br>Marge watches Bill bathe Nell. Nancy plays an old video of Betty Ford. Adaleen administers the hormones to herself.</p></div>
Certain Poor Shepherds
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Jami O'Brien<br><b>Directed by</b> David Petrarca</p><p>Bill sits in his Senate office making calls, only to learn there is no one around to receive them. Senator Barn advises Bill to save his energy for January. When Barn questions whether Bill celebrates Christmas, Bill assures him he does; it's only compound folk who ignore it.</p><p>Alby blames Lura when one of the dogs bites their son. Calling her unfocused and distracted, he threatens to reassign her children. He instructs another sister-wife to round up all the dogs and poison them.</p><p>Bill comes home and discovers Margene unloading cartons of Goji Blast. He asks her for her driver's license, but won't reveal why.</p><p>Nicki tries to persuade Adaleen to join her for Christmas. Her mother refuses, explaining she's too tired – she's spent the last few days getting her status in order to receive assistance for being indigent and pregnant. When she gets choked up describing her situation, Adaleen tells Nicki it's just hormones.</p><p>Barb works on her "plum" pudding in the kitchen. Because Lois isn't making sense, Barb tells Bill she's made a doctor's appointment for her. Ben avoids his parents' questions about his plans for the future. When Heather, home from college, visits with a gift of gingerbread, Ben notices the change in her appearance and invites her to join the family later that night at the ice rink.</p><p>Margene shows Pam her sales strategy for Goji Blast, explaining how Pam will be a part of her downline, and that she'll eventually have one of her own too. Pam confides they're tightening belts at home – Carl has been unemployed for five months now. When Carl pops in, he's clearly displeased to see what Pam is up to.</p><p>Cara Lynn fakes a stomach ache so she can be excused from her tutorial session early. Before she leaves, Greg Ivey presents her with a biography of Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize-winning geneticist. "Genes don't dictate who we become," he reminds her. Cara Lynn sneaks off with Gary Embrey, which Greg notices.</p><p>At dinner, Bill and Ben make a big speech saluting womenhood and thanking all the women at the table: "You are very special and entitled to the guidance of righteous priesthood holders." Barb pipes up with a reminder that the women are also blessed with "free will, your own personal relationship with Him, and a divine ability to discern the truth…" Afterwards, Nicki scolds Barb for stirring the pot.</p><p>Margene tells Bill she lost her license and so can't give it to him, but Bill is unwilling to accept that answer. He instructs her to have it replaced immediately.</p><p>At the skating rink, Ben gets on the ice with Heather, and compliments her on her new confidence. Bill brings up Barb's remarks at dinner and she promises him that there is no hidden agenda. When couples skate is announced, Bill gets on the rink with all his wives: "Just don't let go of each other."</p><p>Alby pays a visit to Adaleen at the Big House – the County called him to confirm her address for their Women, Infants and Children program. Furious that Adaleen is still pregnant, he denounces her as unclean and orders her to leave. At the same time, Alby gets news that Lura has taken the children and gone.</p><p>The doctor informs Bill that Lois is suffering from dementia and more tests are necessary. When he updates Barb, she is surprised to hear that Bill hasn't told Lois about her condition. She reminds Bill that she's prepared to shoulder some of his burden. Grateful, Bill tells her that there are changes to come at church.</p><p>Now homeless, Adaleen retreats to Nicki's. Cara Lynn inquires about JJ and noting Nicki's warning glance, Adaleen assures her he is well. Margene approaches Nicki about getting a new driver's license – she has too many parking tickets to get a replacement -- but Nicki refuses to provide one for her. Conscious of the public scrutiny on them, Nicki tells Margie to pay her tickets before any scandal erupts.</p><p>Cara Lynn asks Ben to cover for her – she's going to find out what happened to JJ.</p><p>Bill and Barb go to the casino with conciliatory poinsettias and find the casino has been transformed into someplace smoky and sleazy. New manager Austin Buttercup tells them that the casino decided to go in another direction – and if Bill has any issues with it, or with his reduced profit share, he should take it up in arbitration.</p><p>In church, Bill announces the beginning of new traditions. Barb is crestfallen when he asks Ben to bless the sacrament.</p><p>Nervous because he only has a permit, Gary drives Cara Lynn to the compound. The two find the charred remains of JJ's clinic.</p><p>Lura and her children show up at Bill's seeking refuge. Although Nicki refuses to trust her, Bill takes her to a shelter. He asks Sister Mary Catherine to watch over them – no one has ever left a man of Alby's stature.</p><p>Aware that the kids want to see Santa, Lois piles the younger children into a car. She ends up stopping the traffic at a restaurant drive-through window, demanding to see Santa. Wayne gets a hold of her cell phone and calls Barb. Bill and Nicki rush to pick up the children and convince a local cop to keep the incident off the blotter.</p><p>Bill comes home to see that the wives have discovered his Christmas gift for them: guns. Nicki states she already has one and is not in need of another. Margene refuses to hand over her license if it's meant for a permit, but Bill won't take no for an answer.<br>Lura calls Alby from the shelter to apologize for leaving him at Christmas. He tries to convince her to return: "Do you want to be an outcast?" Overcome, she hangs up.</p><p>Bill brings the whole family to the Capitol to serenade Senator Barn with carols.</p><p>Sitting down for Christmas Eve dinner, Adaleen thanks everyone for including her. Nicki picks up on Cara Lynn's anxiety. Heather has joined them – her parents are in Mexico picking up a new baby. Lois remains disoriented. When Bill draws Marge close, she confesses: She never lost her license. She was withholding it because she lied about her age – they were married when she was still 16. Nicki accuses Marge of ruining Christmas, and Barb pointing out that the age of consent is 18, reels from the enormity of the news.</p><p>Cara Lynn confronts Adaleen – she's seen what's left of the clinic. Adaleen confirms Cara Lynn's fears: Her father is dead.</p><p>While the family heads out to volunteer at the shelter, Adaleen stays at home to destroy her hormone medication. Marge approaches Barb and asks her not to blame Bill – her birthdate never mattered and it still shouldn't. Barb counters that it is, in fact, important. Unsympathetic, Nicki reminds Barb that she never supported Bill's third marriage. Bill tells Margene it wasn't her fault, but avoids her, leaving Marge feeling alone.</p><p>When Nicki asks Cara Lynn to snap out of it, her daughter confronts her. Nicki denies, and then tries to explain what happened to JJ. "I grew up insisting my father was a good man," she says holding her daughter.</p><p>Bill turns to God for answers: Why is the family being tested? His prayer is interrupted by the news that Alby is trying to take Lura away. When asked to choose, Lura admits she doesn't want to return to the compound. Alby tries to grab her, but Bill decks him and reproaches him for being a coward filled with self-hate -- in full view of Alby's children.</p><p>The gang arrives home to find Barb sitting in the dark, drunk and snacking on plum pudding.</p><p>Adaleen returns to Juniper Creek and promises Alby she's pure -- and won't leave him. The family acts out their Living Nativity as cars drive by.</p></div>
The Oath
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Melanie Marnich<br><b>Directed by</b> Omar Madha</p><p>Bill appears on a morning radio talk show to explain his position, while the wives listen in from home. Nicki gives Margene the cold shoulder and glares with disapproval at the tight Goji Blast T-shirt she wears. She mentions an invite Barb received, but Barb dismisses the event as inconsequential and tells them she plans to bring her sister Cindy as a peace offering; Nicki and Margene can stay at home. Chastized by Margene for shutting her out, Nicki informs her that she secured a new birth certificate for her – and that she owes her $240.</p><p>Margene and Pam look over their Goji Blast materials and marvel about the company's connection to the Book of Mormon and the Bible and its philosophy of doing good. Margene feels a new connection to her faith.</p><p>Barb tells Bill she plans to attend the First Lady's fashion show, but since the other two are exhausted, she'll be attending alone. Bill praises her commitment and tries to calm Nicki down when she enters complaining about the too-tight Goji T-shirt Margene gave Cara Lynn.</p><p>Cara Lynn brings up the death of her father at her tutoring session. Greg Ivey confides his brother died when he was 14, and he found his own grief hard to deal with. He gives Cara Lynn his number and tells her to call whenever she needs someone to talk to.</p><p>Margene continues to gush about Goji at dinner—but keeps putting her foot in her mouth when she repeatedly refers to her youth and naiveté. With Cara Lynn dining at the Embrys', Nicki brings up the idea of Bill adopting her in case something should happen to her one day. Barb and Bill are annoyed that Nicki didn't raise the topic in private—her doomsday scenarios are scaring the children.</p><p>That night, Margene confronts Bill – he won't look at her anymore. Bill swears nothing has changed.</p><p>Barb and Bill enter the Senate chamber with Bill's intern, Stuart, who ignores Barb. When Barb observes he'll only speak to Bill, even when the questions come from her, Bill tells Barb she's being over-sensitive.</p><p>Bill and Barn compare guns. Barn reprimands Bill for mentioning him on the call-in show, but Bill is unapologetic: "If I fight back, I'm out of line?" The truce between the two ends: Barn lets him know that Midge Buckley's bill has 14 co-sponsors and Bill will be impeached the minute he's sworn in.</p><p>Nicki finds her mother harassing women who try and approach the compound's Safety Net office. Adaleen refuses to stop and Alby backs her up. He warns Nicki he will make Bill pay for breaking up his family.</p><p>Barb goes to the First Lady's fashion show, surprising her sister. Barb informs Cindy she's at the show solo, so there won't be a scene, and that she has a genuine interest in the city's Interfaith Council, the event's beneficiary. Cindy scoffs at Barb's newfound interest in the priesthood, pointing out she hasn't even shared that news with her own family.</p><p>Nicki tells Cara Lynn she heard from Greg – and that she's always available to talk. She brings up the death of her own father, but still failing to make headway with Cara Lynn, lets her know Bill wants to adopt her. Instead of the excitement Nicki expected, Cara Lynn is indifferent: "Fine."</p><p>Barb and Bill sit down with Lois and break the news to her: She has dementia. When Barb advises letting Frank know as well, Bill explodes – Frank is the cause of her illness. He gave her herpes years ago; the dementia is the result of her never being treated.</p><p>Tired of Nicki's behavior, Margene has it out with her. Although both were 16 when they were married, their two experiences weren't the same – there was no perpetrator and no victim in Margene's case. "Your abuse is not my abuse," she insists.</p><p>At the mall, Ben, Heather and Gary wait with Cara Lynn for her cousin Verlan. The group spots Greg out with his parents and Cara Lynn is touched to learn that they know about her. Cara Lynn is comforted by her cousin Verlan when he arrives, but the rest of the group is surprised to meet his new wife – Rhonda Volmer.</p><p>Don and Bill walk through the casino – their profit share has been restored and Marilyn Densham has been arrested. With Peg down for an order of $1200 of Goji Blast, Don asks Bill get Margene to back off. Bill admits he can't ask Margene for anything—they just found out she was only 16 when she was married. Don is flabbergasted at the news and begins to fear the worst. He rebukes Bill for not knowing – and letting his obsession with Margene years ago put them in this position today.</p><p>Dangling her baby, Rhonda apologizes to Heather for her past behavior and swears to them that Verlan has changed her. Still recovering from the surprise, Ben asks Rhonda whose baby it is, upsetting Verlan. Short on cash, Verlan hustles Cara Lynn for money.</p><p>At 6 a.m., Margie convenes a family gathering, although the rest of the household is barely awake. Stuart calls with Bill's schedule, but refuses to leave the information with Barb. Margie tells the others that in a biography she read about Joseph Smith, his wives were as young as 14 and worked for his wife Emma. "Why are we so ashamed of everything now?" she asks. Furious Barb lashes out – "Because you were 16 and my husband was in bed with you."</p><p>Lois overhears Bill and Barb discussing her. Bill breaks the news to her – she has dementia, brought on by an STD Frank gave her. Lois grapples with this information and that it's too late for any cure.</p><p>Bill meets with the attorney general to discuss Midge Buckley's bill. Although sympathetic, Jeff Beckett tells him the tide is against him and he won't be able to declare it unconstitutional. Refusing to accept that answer, Bill pointedly reminds him that he sits on the appropriations committee that oversees his budget.</p><p>Nicki spots a disoriented Lois standing alone in the cold backyard. She and Barb draw her back into the house. Ben thanks Heather for not judging his family and the two share a kiss.</p><p>Verlan and Rhonda go see Alby to demand $50,000 for the suffering Roman caused Rhonda, or else they'll file suit. Alby shrugs off their blackmail and throws the two of them out… but not before exchanging a glance with Verlan.</p><p>Bill lets Nicki know he'll be discussing Cara Lynn's adoption with his lawyer, but he'd like Nicki to back off on Margene and move on like Barb has. Nicki informs Bill that not only has Barb not moved on, she blames Bill for seducing Margene. Furthermore, Barb excluded the two of them from the Capitol Wives Fashion Show to go with her sister.</p><p>Spotting First Lady Evelyn Linton backstage, Barb approaches her, despite Cindy's pleas not to. She asks to join Mrs. Linton's interfaith committee and intrigued, Evelyn agrees to discuss it with her. Nicki and Margene burst in, having been sent by Bill to patch things up on the eve of their big triumph. Nicki informs Barb she told Bill that Barb blames him for the seduction of Margene. Margie argues she wasn't seduced while Barb admits that because she was happier with the addition of Margene to their marriage, she failed to ask the right questions about her age. Livid about Barb's revelation, Nicki questions how many other older men Margene threw herself at -- and tells her that Bill is obviously wondering the same.</p><p>Barn drags Bill into his office – he tried to bribe the attorney general? Unapologetic and undeterred by Barn's threats of impeachment, Bill retorts, "I just want to be allowed to do my job."</p><p>Margene spots Bill in the parking lot of the Capitol and tries to discuss what Nicki just told her. Still seething from his meeting with Barn, he refuses to talk to her. In a moment of confusion, Margene accidentally backs into Bill, landing him in the hospital. Tired of their continued bickering, Bill asks his wives to leave. Under sedation, he dreams of meeting Emma Smith in a banquet hall where he spots his mother too, both of them dressed alike.</p><p>Barb searches for Bill the following morning – the Senate has moved up his swearing in date upon hearing about his hospitalization. In an effort to stall, she and Margie rush to the Capitol while Nicki waits for Bill. Barb is refused access to the chambers, but spotting Stuart, she fires him and grabs his credentials, identifying herself as Bill's intern. The two enter the chambers, interrupting a session, but manage to buy Bill a few minutes. Upon his arrival, Bill argues that the laws of their religion supersede those of the state: "Persecuting me violates your own scripture. It makes you all hypocrites and traitors to our history."</p><p>The rest of the extended family files into the gallery and watches as Bill is sworn in.</p></div>
The Special Relationship
Bill makes one deal and rejects another. Nicki is accused of mixed motives. Barb considers a dramatic life change.
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Mark V. Olsen & Will Scheffer<br><b>Directed by</b> Howard Deutch</p><p>Barb and Bill reconnect in the early morning hours. Later, Margene gets Bill's approval for a pro-polygamy children's rally in downtown Salt Lake. He reminds her to use the name "The New Assembly of Mormon Pioneers." Nicki thanks Barb for agreeing to the divorce and notes it was her "selfless generosity" that made her fall in love with Barb in the first place.</p><p>Barb goes to the University of Utah campus to see Renee Clayton and discuss the idea of female priesthood holders. Anxious to not cause a rift, Barb asks Renee to speak to the family and explain her position.</p><p>Bill visits Frank and finds the house in disarray – all his wives have left him. Bill reveals it's because Barb told them all to get tested – Frank gave Lois an STD. Because Lois insists she wants to live at Frank's, Bill orders his father to straighten up the house.</p><p>Greg and Cara Lynn's tutoring session is filled with awkward silences. When Nicki arrives to pick her up, she expresses an interest in what her daughter is learning so Greg gives her a book to help her understand.</p><p>Margene meets with the children of the New Assembly, cautioning them it can't seem like they've been forced to participate in the rally. Nearby, Bill meets with his fellow leaders to discuss drawing up their church charter. Bill is adamant it not mimic Juniper Creek's: "This is a new day." With no money in the coffers yet, each man kicks in money to get things started. During services, Barb refuses to take the sacrament.</p><p>Ben stops Bill and Barb back at home and asks them to read some literature about problem-solving in a marriage. Barb and Ben try to convince him everything is OK, but Ben argues that it feels like the divorce is real. When Barb leaves to answer the phone, Bill confides that he is worried too, but Ben needs to stay focused on his own future.</p><p>Pam warns Barb the LDS has ordered a repudiation of those who use the word "polygamy" with "Mormon." Barb relays the news back to Bill and the wives, worried that she has never heard the church issue such a call to action in all her years: "They might as well come out and ask for your head on a platter." Bill tries to reassure Barb, but when he meets with Don later, the two run through the economic impact of the statement. The situation is further complicated by the news their landlord has just sold the building to a holding company.</p><p>With Don Embry still alive, Alby demands Verlan return the money he was paid and calls him a fool. Verlan comes up short, and to make up the difference, he kisses Alby who then decides Verlan can overcome his deficiencies – with supervision. Still hard up for money, Verlan gets $50 and is sent to his room.</p><p>Bud Mayberry alerts Bill that Alby has been enforcing his purity campaign and wants to stop cooperating with the state. Furthermore, he wants to abolish Bill too. Bill stops short at the news, but declines Bud's offer to have Alby killed. He asks if Alby mentioned Don at all, but Bud hasn't heard.</p><p>Cara Lynn approaches Greg at home and tells him she's not sorry they kissed. Upset about an ailing grandfather, Greg also confides that he's falling in love with Cara Lynn. The two kiss again.</p><p>Verlan calls Rhonda and assures her Alby is right where he wants him … but he can't come back just yet. Ben helps Rhonda pack warm things for her stay at Crystal's house. The two share a smile about the way they used to treat each other.</p><p>Lois spends her first night at Frank's house and reminisces about an old radio program, 'The Cisco Kid,' which always ended with some corny line. When Frank isn't looking, she slips a bread knife in her bag.</p><p>Barb confronts Bill – the divorce agreement gives Nicki control of the family finances and given Nicki's history, she's not comfortable with that. Bill disagrees and suggests that the extra responsibility might benefit Nicki; their discussion veers into another argument about Barb's right to hold the priesthood.</p><p>Margie watches a video of Michael Sainte and drifts into a daydream that he is speaking to her directly. She is startled when Cara Lynn sneaks in after curfew. Letting Margene believe she's been with Gary Embry, Cara Lynn asks how Margie knew it was love with Bill … and if his age made a difference. Margene arranges to cover for Cara Lynn with Nicki.</p><p>Nicki tries to stop Margene from holding the rally, and when Margie refuses to back down, she demands a say in the musical choices. Margie accuses her of being jealous of her life outside the houses, but Nicki counters that since she's finally a full partner in the marriage now, she expects to be heard. The two quiet down when Bill and Barb enter; Bill tells them there will be security detail watching them for the next few days.</p><p>Bill faces opposition in the Senate -- the impeachment bill is back under consideration.</p><p>Nancy visits Bill on the Hill to share her concern about Barb; she is disturbed to learn that her daughter has been talking to Renee Clayton. She and Cindy meet directly with Barb, who is surprised to hear that her mother has been talking to Bill, and is further thrown when Renee Clayton is brought up. "She understands me in a way that no one else does," explains Barb, prompting Nancy to ask whether the two are lovers. When Barb is shocked at the idea, Nancy notes it isn't absurd: Barb is always finding new ways to complicate her life.</p><p>Margene speaks to Michael Sainte about Goji sponsoring the children's rally. Impressed by her pitch, Sainte says while he's not sold on her message, he has faith in the messenger.</p><p>Bill and Don sit in the UEB offices with Alby to insist he remain a part of Safety Net. When Alby balks, Bill threatens to have Juniper Creek's state money cut off. The three argue, but Alby has the last word by asking about how the hardware stores are doing.</p><p>Lois is startled to find herself at the beach with Frank. She's been out of it the past two days. Holding out the knife, she makes Frank promise to kill her when she's out of it for three-day spans. It would be worse to be alive, and with his other wives gone, they only have each other now.</p><p>Cara Lynn finds Nicki at her desk but her fears are allayed when Nicki explains that she's been trying to understand calculus. Touched, Cara Lynn thanks Nicki for what she's done for her. "We're going to have everything we ever dreamed of. We'll be happy," promises Nicki, but Cara Lynn reminds her she's already happy.</p><p>Barb and Bill break the news to Nicki that Barb will continue to handle the family finances. When Barb says it was Lee who suggested it, Nicki accuses Barb of lashing back for having been forced to agree to the divorce. Barb holds firm – she won't sign the divorce papers without the pre-nup, and Nicki counters that Barb has never treated her like an equal. Bill drags Nicki out of the room and reminds her that it's only a paper divorce and a paper marriage. Nicki retorts that Barb is holding all the cards because Bill is afraid of losing her.</p><p>Heather and Ben spend time with Rhonda and find out she's been working as a hostess in a bar. When she leaves, Ben tells Heather they don't need to worry about her – she has a husband. At that, Heather tells Ben she's been seeing someone at else at college who is away now on his mission.</p><p>Renee sits with the Henricksons and Nancy to discuss the idea of female priesthood holders, explaining that women have always been priestly given their maternal instincts, even if no written record gives them that authority. Renee begins to discuss Heavenly Mother, and sensing Nicki's resistance, gives her a paper that refers to lesbian bonding, which only raises more eyebrows. Nancy offers Barb a place to sort through everything, provoking Bill.</p><p>Bill tells Barb that the Priesthood comes divinely inspired, and it's more than just having a feeling. Barb reminds him that she's never asked for anything for herself, and this is an opportunity to build something together, an idea that Bill disagrees with. "This would destroy a church that's barely established its roots." When the two fail to come to an agreement, Barb storms out: "I can't go to your church anymore."</p><p>Ben watches Rhonda perform then follows her to her dressing room. Cara Lynn returns to Greg's condo. Bill hangs up the new church sign: "The New Assembly of Mormon Pioneers."</p></div>
Til Death Do Us Part
Bill eyes a wedding as a chance to reseal his commitment to his wives. Alby makes a game-changing power play.
The Noose Tightens
Barb is pulled into the firestorm surrounding Bill and Margene. Nicki is flummoxed by a revelation about Cara Lynn.
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa<br><b>Directed by</b> Adam Davidson</p><p>Margene packs up her Goji things, chastising Nicki when she spots her out of bed. Nicki tries to convince Margene to keep quiet about Cara Lynn's situation, but Margene tells her she's done with secrets.</p><p>Bill confers with the sheriff about Alby's whereabouts. With no firm information, Bill offers to check with the members of Safety Net in case any of them are thinking of providing him harbor. At home, Bill tells the wives they're going on lockdown. Nicki is disdainful of what protection the police can provide, but Bill insists he is using every resource he can to keep his family safe. Margene plays with baby Jessica while Rhonda stares at the TV.</p><p>Cara Lynn sneaks a call to Greg Ivey on Margene's cell phone -- Nicki has confiscated hers. Greg offers to come and talk to the family, but Cara Lynn says he should wait. When Nicki discovers her on the phone, Cara Lynn defiantly tells Greg she loves him.</p><p>Bill asks Barn for the caucus room so he can decertify Juniper Creek and withdraw its state funding. Barn refuses saying the schedule is already packed – furthermore, with the spotlight already on Bill, it's a bad time to draw further attention to himself.</p><p>Nicki tours the grounds of Fernridge Academy, explaining that her daughter has been "precocious with an older boy." As kids silently file past her like robots, she makes arrangements to have Cara Lynn picked up and enrolled the next day.</p><p>Barb goes through housekeeping items with the other two wives, warning them their financial position will be precarious if they lose Home Plus. Confident that Bill won't be indicted, Marge says she's teaching the kids songs and working on care packages for families in Honduras. Nicki accuses Marge of trying to service her own agenda and then attacks Barb for using the situation to finagle the spot of family priesthood holder. Barb assures her she's already found a church that fulfills her spiritual needs; what's she's trying to do is make contingency plans for life without Bill.</p><p>Bill rushes home and learns Barb has been attending the Reformed Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She argues it's not in conflict with her beliefs since they allow women to be priesthood holders and are still debating the Principle. Barb scolds Nicki for tattling and swears to Bill she's being discreet about her participation. Before the argument grows more heated, a police officer enters to give Bill an update.</p><p>Since Adaleen has thrown her hat in with Alby, Nicki calls Evie to spy on their mother. Evie reports that Adaleen hasn't done anything unusual.</p><p>Margie lets Pam know she's quit Goji – her family needs her now – but she'll be reimbursing Pam for her investment. Although Margie remains upbeat about what she's gained from her time with Goji, Pam weeps: She and Carl are separating. They don't have enough money to tithe, and Carl is so broken, he keeps totaling cars. Pam isn't sure these incidents have been accidental.</p><p>Bill holds a press conference as a backhoe tears down the UEB headquarters. A dissenter from the compound argues with him, but Bill is unmoved: "The age of false prophets is over."</p><p>Rhonda tells Ben they only slept together because she missed Verlan but suggests he marry her and take care of her and Jessica. When Ben protests, Rhonda threatens to tell Heather what happened between them.</p><p>Bill briefs his wives about keeping Home Plus running in his absence. Barb insists things will be changing more than Bill thinks; there are needs that won't be fulfilled during the 20-30 years he's in jail. Bill shuts her down: "Marriage is about change. There are sacrifices we all have to make." He insists their eternal sealing will last longer than an earthly prison sentence.</p><p>Frank visits Lois at the home and tells her that Bill has purged Juniper Creek of the Grants. With the compound in disarray, he's figured out how they can be together.</p><p>The family gathers to play Scrabble and sing around the piano. Bill questions Barb directly: Is having the priesthood more important than following the Principle? Barb insists she doesn't need to choose and that she can serve as a teacher to her new church. Bill reminds her people change churches because churches don't change.</p><p>Adaleen vists Alby at his hideout. Selma Grant offers him safety in Mexico but Adaleen is suspicious of her intentions. She wants Alby to leave the country right away, but Alby is insistent that he settle things with Bill – and it's Adaleen who will be pulling the trigger. "No one has sacrificed more than me," says Alby. "I've struggled to stay true."</p><p>Margene tries to convince Bill they should run away and do missionary work, or start a church elsewhere. Unable to cope with the idea of being without him for 20 years, she offers to get pregnant so they can have conjugal visits.</p><p>Having cleared her house, Nicki ushers in representatives from Fernridge to take her daughter away. Cara Lynn runs to Barb's house where her situation with Greg Ivey is revealed. Barb and Margene are horrified by Nicki's plan and Cara Lynn denounces her as a terrible wife and mother. When Nicki feebly tries to explain why she kept the affair secret, "I didn't think the family could handle another statutory rape," Bill explodes upon being compared to Greg Ivey.</p><p>As Heather shares milkshakes with Ben on the porch, Rhonda begins moving her stuff into a car to return to Heather's. She lets Heather know that she and Ben had sex so he'll be forever be comparing everyone to her. As Heather fumes, Ben tries to fix things by offering to take care of them both. Heather throws her milkshake at Ben and leaves.</p><p>Barb alerts Bill that Frank signed out Lois and they haven't been seen since. In the Big House, Frank strips out the copper plumbing while Lois remembers what it was like to grow up there. She tells Frank she's getting worse: She's had three bad days in a row.</p><p>As Barb makes "Missing" posters for Lois, Bill admits to Barb he no longer trusts her. Although he once thought the spiritual guardianship of the family would be safe with her, now he's not so sure. Barb retorts that if the family splits, it won't be her doing: He's the one pushing everyone to the breaking point. Bill disagrees: He won't accept anything but the family sticking together.</p><p>Nicki wakes Cara Lynn and lets her know they've reported Mr. Ivey who was only too happy to be rid of her, having got what he wanted. She tells her daughter that she is a manipulator and a liar undeserving of love. Both mother and daughter look stricken when Nicki leaves.</p><p>Stopping at a gas station on their way home, Bill and Barb happen upon Alby and Adaleen. Adaleen draws a gun on Barb while Bill chases Alby through the storeroom. Hearing a gunshot, Bill leaves Alby to check on Barb, but finds that she's turned the tables on Adaleen. Barb realizes that Bill gave up Alby to check on her.</p><p>Adaleen swears to Nicki in the police interrogation room that she was brainwashed and Alby has fled to Mexico to stay with the Greens.</p><p>Barb tells Bill that Lois saw the flyers and returned to her home. Margene brings in the boys who serenade Bill with 'Blowin' in the Wind.' Nicki spots Cara Lynn in the backyard burning her textbooks on the grill. Cara Lynn repeats Nicki's accusations, admitting she is just a liar and a manipulator. Barb puts out the fire, as Nicki runs upstairs, sobbing that she failed as a mother, failed to protect her daughter, and has been forsaken for her failures. Bill tries to reassure her that she has the love of her family and that's all a part of Heavenly Father's love.</p><p>Bill returns to the Capitol to prepare for his hearing. His wives surprise him by bringing him dinner. Margene heads off the restroom, and at that moment, Salty, the desk clerk, is surprised by Alby wielding a gun. Two shots ring out and Bill springs into action to get Margene back. Facing off against Bill, Alby fires, but is startled by Margene and misses. Bill clips Alby's shoulder and tells him it's over.</p></div>
When Men and Mountains Meet
The Henricksons brace for an uncertain future, with or without Bill.